Zoe Saldana and Megan Fox Bring the Hotness to ‘Swindle’


Megan Fox and Zoe Saldan are all set to star in what may be the first female-centric heist movie since F. Gary Gray’s Set It Off in 1996 (which ruled). Oh wait, we forgot about Mad Money. Oh wait, they both starred Queen Latifah. That’s weird. Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, Swindle, a film that unites the female leads of Transformers and Avatar as two women who attempt to steal… something.

That’s literally all we’ve got to work with, folks. Deadline announced that Paramount bought the spec for Swindle because Fox and Saldana really wanted to work together. The title doesn’t give us much to work with either, since presumably every heist thriller involves someone or other getting swindled, even though it’s kind of an old-timey way to describe it. Maybe Hornswoggle was already taken. 

Saldana’s been making a name for herself lately, although her first solo starring vehicle Columbiana failed to make much of an impression on audiences. As far as anyone knows, she’s still on call for James Cameron’s Avatar 2, so she’s probably not sweating it too much. Swindle could be something of a comeback role for Megan Fox, who has been AWOL from major motion pictures following the box office failure of 2010’s Jonah Hex, and busying herself with smaller projects like Friends with Kids and Passion Play. After alienating some industry types with her ill-considered comments about Michael Bay, she could really use a blockbuster, preferably one that actually depends on her performance rather than use her as incidental eye candy like… Well, most of her films.

CraveOnline will be back with more Swindle news after we get out of the hoosegow.