Cat flerken
Beware the cat!

Marvelous Question: Is Your Cat a Flerken or Just Another A-Hole?

Photo: 101cats (Getty Images)

Sure, they’re lovable, cuddly, soft, and cute, but everyone knows cats can be real jerks. Now, thanks to the Marvel universe, it turns out that cats can also be a shapeshifting alien called a Flerken who holds multiple universes inside their mouths. (Oops, spoiler alert.)

In the latest big screen adventure from Marvel Studios, Captain Marvel’s closest companion is an ordinary looking housecat named Goose, who strikes fear into the hearts of Kree warriors. Goose is also a mischevious little pluck who swallows Infinity Stones and scratches people’s eyes out. If you ever wondered if your fluffy house pet is a devilish creature from outer space, these GIFs just might prove you right.

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