
New Study Suggests 13 Percent Of People Have A Trace Of Class A Drugs On Their Fingertips

Photo: Universal Pictures

Here’s a good argument for using Apple Pay instead of cash.

According to The Guardian, a recent study concluded that more than one in ten people are walking around with traces of cocaine and heroin on their fingertips even though they hadn’t used the drug themselves. That’s right, there may be drugs on your hands.

Researchers took fingerprint swabs from 50 volunteers at the university who claimed not to use booger sugar or Mexican Mud. They next swabbed “15 patients seeking help at drug rehabilitation clinics who testified to using either cocaine or heroin in the previous 24 hours.”

The result? You guessed it – 13 percent of the volunteers who were involved in the study were very adamant that they hadn’t used or touched the drugs found on their fingertips, and that led researchers to suspect they “became contaminated from banknotes, tables and other surfaces.”

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“We were quite surprised,” lead author Melanie Bailey said. “We thought there might well be cocaine knocking around in the environment, but we did not expect to pick up these drugs at the fingerprint level. The people we took samples from were at the university, so it is possible they knew others who were taking substances, or had been in an environment where these substances were taken.”

That coincides with another study in 2011 that suggested 11 percent of all banknotes had traces of cocaine on them. Well, unless you’re at Charlie Sheen‘s house. Then that number jumps up to 100 percent.