Barber Arrested After Giving Dude Awful ‘Three Stooges’ Haircut

Photo: Lorado (Getty)

When I was in middle school my mom decided to take me to a hairstylist who had a very heavy Russian accent. I of course had no problem with this. My only problem was that she thought I had just enlisted into the Russian army because that’s the exact type of haircut she gave me. I cried when I got home as I prepared to be even more unpopular at school. And the reason I’ve confessed that humiliating story is because one barber recently got thrown behind bars for doing a shitty haircut.

46-year-old hairstylist, Khaled A. Shabani was arrested after he gave a 22-year-old a terrible haircut. According to police spokesman Joel DeSpain, the victim told officers that Shabani asked him to stop moving his head during the haircut. Shabani then proceeded to cut the victim’s ear with the clippers before running them down the middle of the man’s head on their shortest attachment, “leaving him looking a bit like Larry from ‘The Three Stooges.’”

Photo: Madison Police Department

Oh boy. I just hope this dude wasn’t getting a haircut before a big first date.

Photo: Khaled Shabani/Madison Police Department

Shabani was handcuffed, but he has now pleaded not guilty to disorderly conduct. Shabani also told officers that it was an accident. Yeah, that is no accident. No word yet on what the victim’s hair looks like now, but here’s hoping he just shaved it all off and has started from scratch.

h/t Washington Post

Now check this out: 20 Hilarious ‘Say No More’ Barber Memes To Keep You Laughing Between Haircuts