What Is the Strongest Animal in the World?

Photo: Firefly Productions (Getty Images)

The human beings (at least some of them) are perfect examples of how a brain is much more important than muscles. We’re certainly not the strongest organisms on the planet and yet, somehow, we’ve managed to become the dominant race by using our brains and various inventions. On the other hand, in the animal kingdom, a lot depends on the strength of the animal, as it can make all the difference between life and death. So, with that in mind, let’s see who is the strongest animal in the world.

Grizzly Bear

We’ll start with a somewhat obvious choice that is – a Grizzly bear. This ferocious beast can reach the staggering height of more than 8 feet and that, combined with nearly 800 pounds of weight is enough to make any other creature scurry away at the mere sight of it. Of course, Grizzly bears are also extremely muscular and don’t refrain from charging when they see a potential threat. The mothers are especially aggressive when their young ones are in danger. They are certainly one of the strongest animals ever.


Now, gorillas may seem tame at first glance, but they’re far from being harmless in the wild. Being one of the most intelligent animals out there, gorillas know how to use both their immense strength and their brains to overcome the threat. If the Planet of the Apes ever comes true, chances are gorillas will be in the lead. It is said that they can lift as much as 2 tons in one go, which is about 10 times their own weight. They might not be as big as Grizzly bears but can probably take on a bunch of them.

African Elephant

Admittedly, African elephants can only lift just over their bodyweight but, seeing how they weigh around 7 tons, it’s not an easy task. This is all thanks to their powerful trunk that apparently contains over 40,000 muscles. That is why it’s both extremely flexible and incredibly strong at the same time. Of course, the African elephants also use their enormous tusks to fight any animal that dares cross their path. Even these tusks can weigh up to 100 pounds.


Even the poet William Blake praised the magnificence of tigers and their physique. The largest of them, the Siberian tigers, can weigh up to 700 pounds, and yet, they manage to be as fast and as slick as any domestic cat you see. Their main weapons are their spine-chilling jaws and teeth built specifically for tearing the meat of their victim’s bones. While lions are considered the kings of the jungle, experts agree that tigers could easily beat them and should take the crown instead.

Dung Beetle

We’ll end this list somewhat unexpectedly, but these little guys work so hard that we needed to make sure their effort doesn’t go unnoticed. It is said that the strongest animal in the whole world is actually a dung beetle. Of course, it cannot really take on a grizzly bear, but it can lift objects that are 1141 times heavier than its body weight. If we were to apply that math to a regular 800-pound grizzly bear – he would be able to lift around 450 tons. That being said, dung beetles don’t really use their superpower in any remarkable way as all they ever do is roll huge balls of dung around. We suppose they’re not too interested in fighting insect crime.

Which animal do you think deserves to be called the strongest animal in the world? Would you like it if dung beetles were human-sized? Just try to imagine enormous balls of dung everywhere you go. The world would be a much messier place.


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