Dude Accidentally Texts Wrong Girl, Is Quickly Put To The Test

Photo: Motofish Images (Getty)

Texting the wrong number is more common than you think. And even though you may have never done it before, there are plenty of people who still somehow reach out to the wrong person. That’s why we heard about this dude who tried to get his ex-girlfriend back only to text the wrong number. And of course there was the guy who text the wrong number only to talk about his unfortunate penis size. And now here we have another hilarious wrong number story.

The exchange below, shared on imgur, shows a dude named Alex reaching out to what he thinks is a girl he hasn’t talked to in quite some time. Well, let’s just say that it wasn’t the girl he thought it was. In fact, it was a random girl who with the help of a bunch of her pals was replying back to him with the most absurd texts.

Check it out below. It first starts off quite innocently.

Photo: imgur

And then it takes a hard 180.

Photo: imgur

Photo: imgur

So what will Adam decide…

Photo: imgur

Smart move, Adam. Although, I’m sure Adam considered it just a tad.

h/t Dude Comedy

Now give this a look: Guy Texts Wrong Number, Still Asks For Nudes After Murder Confession