7 Famous People Who Had a Porn Addiction

Photo: Andreas Rentz (Getty Images)

Everyone loves having sex as well as watching other people have sex. It’s in our animal nature and anyone who claims otherwise is obviously lying. Now, in today’s world where TV is our shiny God, it’s hard to comprehend that (almost) all the celebrities we see on it are actually just people with all the human needs the rest of us have. Of course, this means that they are not above the simple thrill that some good pornography can bring. As it is the case with most other things celebrities consume, this too can develop into a dangerous habit that eventually transforms into a porn addiction. Well, here are 10 famous people who fell into this hole of excitement and couldn’t climb out.

Celebrities Who Had a Porn Addiction

John Wayne

The first name that pops to your mind when you hear porn addiction is probably not John Wayne, but he could actually be considered a pioneer of it. This popular American actor was the personification of manhood and heroism, so it’s hard to see him in any other light. Sure, he was a controversial figure because of his white supremacist beliefs, but people really didn’t expect him to be a cross-dresser and a huge porn addict. Sure, back in the days, pornography was a bit more scarce than today, so Wayne had to take matters into his own hands. In order to see as many pictures of naked, strapping cowboys as he liked, he actually had to hire models and arrange photo sessions himself. That’s quite a devotion.

Mel Gibson

Then there’s Mel Gibson. If you’ve been following his career (or the recent lack of it), you may have noticed that Mel managed to get himself in quite a lot of trouble following the recordings of his drunken rant after DUI, along with the racist phone calls and, of course, porn addiction. According to some, this might have actually been the source of all his later problems. It appears that in 1982, while he was filming the “Year of Living Dangerously” in Thailand, he developed a foot fetish and it overtook his life. He would watch countless foot fetish videos and download pictures of the web, which ultimately affected his state of mind and his relationships.

Charlie Sheen

While John Wayne may not have been your first guess when it came to porn addiction, Charlie Sheen certainly is. Known for his outrageous behavior, extensive use of alcohol drugs and, most importantly, women, Charlie managed to become one of the most notorious celebrities in Hollywood with his raunchy lifestyle. It is said that he spent somewhere over 1.5 million dollars on prostitutes, which eventually got him his HIV diagnosis. Of course, needless to say, he was also addicted to porn so much that it created problems in his marriage and his wife Denise Richards eventually had to leave him. According to her, Charlie would watch child pornography, gay pornography and even hire porn stars via various websites. That’s quite an addiction.

David Duchovny

Yeah, David Duchovny is yet another one of those sex addicts who can’t live on without intercourse or porn. If you’re a ’90s kid, hearing this kind of information about your favorite conspiracy theorist Fox Mulder is utterly devastating. However, younger audiences know him mainly for his role in Californication that seemed to reflect his real life in some aspects. Watching loads of pornography on a daily basis was something that this famous actor used to escape problems and depression. Yes, like all of us, celebrities are also susceptible to mental problems and often choose an easier way out by occupying themselves with something physical like pornography. According to Duchovny, pornography addiction is quite similar to alcoholism.

Tiger Woods

When it comes to sex addiction, Tiger Woods was one of the first celebrities to publicly admit his problem and popularize the term. Obviously, by doing this, he opened the doors for a number of dubious characters who started using this term to justify their sinful actions. Why would you be responsible for your actions when you can just call it an addiction and become a victim? Anyways, Tiger confessed to having enormous amounts of sex with various people and compared it to an uncontrollable force that led him. Besides that, he watched so much porn that he would at all times have a few on his iPhone to watch during the day.

Terry Crews

Terry Crews is one rather peculiar combination in the world of film. Not only does he have a body of a bodybuilder (like young Arnold Schwarzenegger for example), but he’s also extremely funny, which makes his a great choice for both comedies and action flicks. You might also know Terry from the Old Spice deodorant commercials where he pretty much yells at you until you buy it. Well, he recently decided to come clean with his fans and announce his pornography addiction in order to raise awareness and help people suffering from it. Terry asserted that porn can change how you think about other people and emphasized the fact that it objectified both women and men. He went to rehab and is now a new man thanks to it.

Kanye West

Now, while most other celebrities feel somewhat ashamed and humble about their sex and porn addiction, Kanye West seems to be fine with it. According to him, he has to have sex at least four times in the evening and once more in the morning. Like Tiger Woods, he always carries some porn with him to get that extra kick he needs. His porn addiction started when he was only thirteen. At that age, he would often read dirty magazines and watch porn on VHS tapes. He stated a number of times that he could have a porn addiction problem, but he never said that he was willing to do anything about it.


Hopefully, this list will help all you “regular” people face your own porn addiction by taking the first step and acknowledging it. If not, at least it’s good knowing that you’re not the only one, right?


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