Watch Australia’s Very Own ‘Captain Underpants’ Get Remixed Into A Banger

Auto-tuning champions The Gregory Brothers, aka the Schmoyoho YouTubers, have been ‘songifying’ news pieces, viral videos and classic movies with hilarious outcomes for ages. After getting particularly busy with Trump during the lead up to the US election, they have worked their magic on an Australian news story that went viral late last month. Remember ‘Captain Underpants’?

Well you are in for a treat.

Dan McConnell, the Aussie legend who chased a man with nothing but his jocks on after the bloke tried to run away after running his car straight into his “mate’s Mum’s shop”, has had his news interview transformed into an absolute banger of a track. It’s not only hilarious – it’s surprisingly catchy.

Have a listen – you’ll have “Mate, all I had was me jocks on” stuck in your head till the end of the day, guaranteed.

Watch: ‘Captain Underpants’ Remixed Into Banger