Australian Woman Thinks She’s Taking Picture Of Duck, Turns Out To Be Big Black Dildo

Photo: Anolis01 (Getty)

Well, I’m sure if you try hard enough, you can still find a way to make it quack.

An Australian woman at the Samuel Renfrey Reserve in Mandurah recently snapped a photo of what she thought was a “duck relaxing by the grassy banks of a pond.” There was something weird about this duck, though, as it didn’t move the entire time she stood there snapping photos of it.

And that probably had something to do with the fact that it was actually a massive black dildo. Take a look at the picture below shared on Facebook:

Australian Woman Thinks She’s Taking Picture Of Duck, Turns Out To Be Big Black Dildo

Samsonite? I was way off.

It’s unknown if the woman was more excited about her picture after she realized what it was, but if Australian women are anything like their American counterparts, odds are her friends aren’t going to be hearing from her for the rest of the week, as she’ll likely be busy tending to her new duck and making sure it has everything it needs.

h/t Lost At E Minor

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