E3 2014: Destiny B-Roll Footage Revealed

Footage that didn't make it to Destiny's E3 2014 showing has been unveiled, giving us a closer look at what Bungie has in store for us with its upcoming open-world sci-fi shooter. 

The footage highlights player abilities and co-operative gameplay, along with showcasing more locations that players will be able to visit when the game finally rears its head.

Related: A Look at the Glacier White Destiny PS4

An alpha of the game was made available exclusively to PS4 owners last week, with the beta version of the game being made available in July. Destiny was one of Sony's major showings during the company's E3 2014 press conference, with it even opening their show. It has also been announced that a new Glacier White version of the console will be made available for Destiny's release, and will be included in a bundle with the game.


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