Daylight Will Allow Twitch Stream Viewers to Control the Game

Upcoming survival-horror game Daylight will feature PS4 multimedia integration, which will allow viewers of streams of the game on Twitch to control some of the action using the in-game chat.

An example of this that Zombie Studios gives is “[if] someone watching a stream types the word “Meow” into the chat, [it] causes the game to make a corresponding sound of a cat… you can literally scare your friends now by watching them stream”.

Zombie Studios has said that all of these cues are on timers, meaning that viewers won’t be able to spam them. They are also refusing to give out the full list of commands, meaning that players will have to figure them out for themselves. From the developer’s statement, it is unclear whether or not this feature will also make its way to the PC version of the game, though it seems likely.

A release date for the game has also been revealed, as Zombie Studios has announced it will be available on April 8th, 2014 for $14.99/€14.99/£11.99 on PC and PS4

It will also feature RealD 3D integration, meaning that if you, like me, bought a 3D TV a few years ago in the hopes that it wouldn’t prove to be nothing more than a gimmick, you’ll finally have a game to play that features it other than Motorstorm: Apocalypse and Killzone 3.