Mark McGrath

Sugar Ray Singer Mark McGrath Going Deaf, Won’t Have to Hear His Music at Dentists’ Offices Like Everyone Else

Photo: Scott Dudelson (Getty Images)

We hate to wish ill will upon anyone, but karma has a way of righting wrongs. Sugar Ray frontman Mark McGrath recently revealed that he’s losing his hearing. “I’m deaf now,” he told DailyMail TV this week. “It’s years and years of being on the road and being 2 feet in front of symbols and drums. So high frequencies, I can’t hear anymore. I’ll be listening to people and they’ll tell me their names and I can’t hear anymore.”

That sounds awful, but McGrath has to look on the bright side. At least he won’t ever have to listen to his band’s ’90s hits “Fly,” “Someday,” and “Every Morning” again. (We’re kidding, of course.) Hearing loss is irreversible, but it can be managed. It’s an occupational hazard for musicians who spend tireless hours in tight quarters, exposed to high volume audio.

Here are some of the other notable musicians who have sacrificed their hearing for their passion.

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