6 Sports Stadiums With Strange Amenities

Photo: dowell (Getty Images)

People love sports and people love witnessing sports events together. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the U.S. has over 200 sports stadiums capable of seating the masses. Stadiums are always spectacular places to witness sporting events, though some of them offer more unusual amenities than other. Here are six stadiums that might surprise you with their unconventional features.

1. Felons Welcome: Las Vegas Stadium

As fun, exciting, and family-friendly as sporting events can be, they do sometimes attract miscreants. One drink too many or an overemotional fan can ruin a great game. That’s why the forthcoming Las Vegas Stadium, future home of the Oakland Raiders, will include a jail and a courtroom. After all, referees can only punish behavior on the field.

2. Lap of Luxury: Everbank Field

Not only does the EverBank Field, home of Jacksonville Jaguars, feature the largest video screen at a stadium, it also has a pool. Yes, a pool, for all your swimming pleasure while you watch your favorite team sweat its way through a game. While one could easily dismiss this as an unnecessary gimmick for the rich, cooling down while watching a heated game may not be such a bad idea. Studies show that watching a football game too intensely can lead to anxiety and increased heart rate. So keep calm and enjoy the game, either above or below water.

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3. Size Matters: May Day Stadium

There are so many stadiums around the world and on every continent. Sports are global and they unite people wherever it may be. But which country has the largest stadium? Turns out it’s North Korea. The May Day Stadium can seat 150K people, making it the largest by capacity. It’s a pretty insane establishment; fans help create “live” murals that change throughout events and there’s plenty of space for dance performances. Given how far away some of the seats are, you definitely want to purchase your tickets early. But just because North Korea has the biggest stadium in the world doesn’t stop them from peeking in on ours during the Super Bowl.

4. Ride The Wave: The Float

Stadiums in the city are nice. Stadiums in the desert are awesome. Stadiums in the jungle? Exotic! But try topping a stadium on water! Singapore’s The Float can seat 30K people on the shore while the games themselves happen on a floating platform. Though it was originally meant to be a temporary replacement for a nearby stadium under renovation, The Float is still standing strong…or should we say “floating strong?”

5.  Green Thumb: Levi’s Stadium

Who says gardens are only for suburban homes? Who says urban farming and sports can’t co-exist? Multiple stadiums now have “green roofs.” They save on energy costs and keep the stadiums cool. Even more surprising: they produce delicious, healthy food. Levi’s Stadium, the Santa Clara home of the San Francisco 49ers, produces around 500 pounds of greens per month. So next time someone makes fun of farmers, point them to the sports stadiums.

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6. Feels Like Home: Rams Stadium

If you imagined only people displaced by a natural disaster lived inside stadiums, think again. The forthcoming Los Angeles Rams stadium will feature up to 3,000 luxury homes. Many more stadiums around the country are including condos and rental apartments in their stadium-building plans as well. While luxury homes are certainty part of the equation, local governments may also demand affordable housing units with a brand-new stadium. Stadiums are already like small communities on their own. Yes, you’ll encounter noisy, loud, and unfriendly people along the way, but it doesn’t get much better than rooting for your team on their (and your) home turf.


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