Women Want To See A Ryan Gosling Sex Tape


“That chick just said ‘marriage’ LOL”


The voices in their head have spoken: Women want a Ryan Gosling sex tape. Hollywood Gossip reports:

In a new survey conducted by Vivid Entertainment and XCritic (dot) com, Ryan Gosling was named the actor most respondents want to see in a sex tape. Gosling earned the naked distinction by winning 21.6 percent of the vote. He was followed by Brad Pitt with 17.2 percent… Channing Tatum at 15.6 percent… and  Matthew McConaughey and Johnny Depp, both with 12.7 percent.

Awww, that’s pretty cool. Women probably want to see a Ryan Gosling sex tape because he’s a really nice guy and treats his mother well. And listens when they talk about their day. And he can handle that at their worst so he deserves their best. Or whatever things post on Facebook to make us think they aren’t watching porn right now.

In a new survey conducted by Vivid Entertainment and XCritic (dot) com, Ryan Gosling was named the actor most respondents want to see in a sex tape. – See more at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2013/07/ryan-gosling-sex-tape-desired-by-women-everywhere/#sthash.msekHDQU.dpuf
In a new survey conducted by Vivid Entertainment and XCritic (dot) com, Ryan Gosling was named the actor most respondents want to see in a sex tape. – See more at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2013/07/ryan-gosling-sex-tape-desired-by-women-everywhere/#sthash.msekHDQU.dpuf
In a new survey conducted by Vivid Entertainment and XCritic (dot) com, Ryan Gosling was named the actor most respondents want to see in a sex tape. – See more at: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2013/07/ryan-gosling-sex-tape-desired-by-women-everywhere/#sthash.msekHDQU.dpuf