Kate Gosselin Is A Nightmare

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UPDATE: She went to the producers and tried to get Tony Dovolani fired. You know, the guy who has been on the show for 9 seasons and is “loved by all the staff.”

Kate Gosselin is the most evil and grating bitch on Earth, so of course her trained, professional partner, Tony Dovolani, was second-guessed and berated until he literally threw his mic down and walked out. She then played the victim again, of course, so he came back and they performed. Want to take a guess how she did? Here’s a hint: Dancing comes just as naturally to her as being a mom. New York Daily News reports:

After a lukewarm performance during the premiere of “Dancing with the Stars” last week, the reality star’s ex-wife, Kate Gosselin, returned Monday only to have her partner quit and the judges call her performance a “nightmare.” During the second go-around of “DWTS,” most of the duos improved, while Gosselin only got worse, making it seem increasingly more likely that she will be the first to go home Tuesday. The problems started in dance rehearsals when Tony Dovolani took his mic off and walked out due to a lack of communication. As Dovolani felt undermined by Gosselin, she felt as though he wasn’t taking into consideration how she learned. Alas, Dovolani returned to find Gosselin in tears. She thanked him for coming back, saying, “A lot of people quit on me in life.” And like all “DWTS” arguments, this too ended with a hug. The trainwreck that ensued was too painful to watch. Gosselin’s stiff and robotic movements were not nearly as bad as the frightened, frozen look on her face during her jive. She forgot most of the choreography and frequently spoke to Dovolani mid-dance, presumably to ask what the hell she was doing. Bruno called the performance a “nightmare” and suggested Gosselin to take acting lessons in order to portray a character. Carrie Ann applauded her for making it all the way through the routine without giving up. Len said her nerves are breaking her and told her to “go out fighting.”

Tony Dovolani spent an hour with this bitch and was ready to slit his wrists, so imagine being married to this cunt and having eight kids with her. Jon Gosselin was either gonna cheat or blow her fucking brains out, so he really should be congratulated for cheating. Or if he had killed her. Either or. Oh, please killing her wouldn’t be that bad. Hannibal killed 70,000 Roman soldiers in one day and he’s still on the History Channel. The public can be very forgiving.

Man, check out this way this sexy temptress moves. I bet you’d have a hotter time fucking a pile of laundry:


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