Kevin Federline gets a raise in his allowance

It looks like the winning bidder for the pictures of Britney Spears’s first born is OK magazine.

The pop babe is rumoured to have been paid around $1.5-million for the interview and photos. Earlier this week, it was claimed that Britney earned around $6-million for having a baby.

The sexy singer and her husband Kevin Federline will receive the huge sum after agreeing to a number of TV, photo and endorsement deals showing off the new arrival to the world.

The couple have allegedly accepted over $3-million to show home-video footage of the birth on their popular reality TV show Britney and Kevin: Chaotic.

They are also rumoured to have agreed a deal worth over $1.5-million to video the first few weeks of Sean Preston’s life for TV.”

I think all of these magazines and television networks should band together and collectively choose not to pay them for these exclusive rights. It would be an amusing experiment in order to see how low they are willing to go to sell the pictures and video before the paparazzi snaps photos of them having their first public family dinner in a Kentucky Fried Chicken parking lot. OK magazine should at least have some say in how the Spears-Federlines spend the money in order to prevent them from running out and blowing it all on Swarovski Crystal pacifiers, Louis Vuitton diapers, FUBU crib sheets and infant sized do rags.

These pictures which look like they were taken from a satellite near Saturn will do for now. The dark haired woman with same hairstyle as Britney and a hair color which more closely resembles Britney’s natural shade of brown is her mom, Lynn Spears. Lynn’s the one holding the little commodity. Britney’s the one blowing a snot rocket onto the pool deck in the last picture.