Jessica Alba is engaged. Maybe.

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A report on IMDb says that “Jesica Alba has sparked speculation she’s planning to take a trip down the aisle … while she was doing reshoots for the (Fantastic Four) in Vancouver, Alba was spotted on April 8th wearing what appeared to be an engagement ring … the actress’ representative insists there’s a simple explanation, stating, “She is not engaged. She’s had the ring for a while, usually wears it on her right hand, but it was swollen (from flying), and she switched it.”

Ah, the classic ‘it was swollen from flying’ defense. Why, I cant think of the number of times that … umm, wait, actually that makes no fuckin sense whatsoever. Jessica must be a great boss, because I think I might fire any representative whose idea of a good defense was to tell people that I morph into some kind of blob whenever I leave the ground.

It’s also kind of charming that Jesica is normal enough that she dates a guy like Cash Warren, who is the assistant to Fantastic Four director Tim Story. A lot of girls in Hollywood would see that as beneath them. Especially since “assistant” in this town could mean anything from “trusted consultant” to “guy in charge of dissolving any 16 year old Russian prostitutes who die cause they can’t handle their blow”.

Anyway, here are those Vancouver pics of Jessica with what might be an engagement ring.