Britney Spears still plus-sized

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I’m almost positive these pictures are old, but they showed up yesterday, and what never gets old is all the angry email after calling Britney fat. He-he, she’s fat! No word yet on how her enrolling in college to become a CSI is going. Someone must have found a way to explain to her that you can’t actually major in CSI. Then she said, “Well then I’ll get a degree in ‘rocket ship pilot’ or ‘Olympic champion'”. And that’s when the other person got some hand puppets and asked Britney to sit down for a minute.

Thanks to MyKa for the pics.

*Note – I would have linked to our hilarious story on Britney wanting to go to college and become a CSI, but I’m not sure if we ever wrote one. But it would have gone like this: “Britney wants to be a CSI? Yeah, right!” We’re pretty funny!