And Here’s A Guy Getting Nailed In The Throat By A Pigeon While Riding Europe’s Faster Roller Coaster

Photo: YouTube

When you go on a roller coaster you hope that the following things don’t happen to you: You don’t throw up, you don’t get stuck upside down, and that you don’t get someone’s puke in your face. If none of that happens to you prepare to have an awesome time. Oh, and hopefully a pigeon won’t slam into your throat.

Everyone was pretty pumped up at the opening of Spain’s Ferrari Land this past Friday. And that’s because everyone was ready to ride Red Force, which is now the fastest roller coaster in Europe. So if you’re into thrill rides, this might be the ride for you. That is if you’re OK with the possibility of having bloody pigeon feathers all over your face like the poor dude below.

Check out this thrill-seeker get hit in the throat with a pigeon, and then realize what just occurred.

And Here’s A Guy Getting Nailed In The Throat By A Pigeon While Riding Europe’s Faster Roller Coaster

But hey, at least he didn’t let a bird literally die on this face bring down his mood, as you can tell that the guy went right back to enjoying the ride. That’s how you have to live your life: when life throws a bird at you, you wipe your bloody face and keeping on trucking.

h/t Someecards

I think I’ll take the bird instead of this: Witness The Crazy Moment When A Ride Full Of People Suddenly Collapses


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