Look At The Bad Ass Way This Cop Decided To Handle A Mouse

Photo: LiveLeak

OK, so a lot of cops are idiots who abuse their power, but we have to give kudos to this cop who decided to handle a mouse in the most bad ass way possible.

The cop, caught on CCTV at what is believed to be a Saint Petersburg police station, shows a policeman minding his own business in a corridor. It seems like he is doing typical cop stuff, which isn’t much, but he’s trying. Then out of nowhere this vicious mouse enters the frame and begins to wreck havoc.

Well it’s time to look at how the cop handled things. Take a look at the video below thanks to LiveLeak.

Look At The Bad Ass Way This Cop Decided To Handle A Mouse

What a boss. For a second there it looks like he was about to call backup. Hell, I would have as well. I’m surprised this guy didn’t just take his gun out since that is usually what cops enjoy doing the most.

No word yet on what happened to the mouse, but something tells me none of the body cams were working that day. Figures.


Well, damn: Guy’s Plan To Release Mouse Into Wild Has A Terrible Ending