There’s Nothing Like An Exploding Bait Package To Thwart Christmas Thieves

Photo: YouTube

Christmas is the time of giving, and folks everywhere are sending gifs to their loved ones. But unfortunately there are soulless thieves who get a kick out of stealing gifts and packages that have been left unattended outside front doors. Well good new for us is that we get a kick out of karma exploding right in their face.

Thanks to YouTube channel TwinzTV, the same dudes who shocked the hell out of bike thieves, Christmas thieves weren’t successful in their mission of taking gifts that don’t belong to them, and that’s mainly because these three pranksters rigged boxes with a car airbag and a ton of peanut packaging. Oh, and then they wrapped them with awesome holiday paper.

Now let’s see what happened when thieves tried to haul it away.

There’s Nothing Like An Exploding Bait Package To Thwart Christmas Thieves

So the lesson here is don’t be an asshole, don’t steal, and buy your own gifts. Because honestly those are three things Santa Claus wants you to know, kids. The more you know.

h/t Viral Thread

Here’s another great prank: Las Vegas Man Sick Of Thieves Taking His Packages Leaves Box Of His German Shepherd’s Shit For Them This Time Around