Street Fighter IV Interactive Infographic Demonstrates Significant Roster Evolution

Since 1987, Street Fighter has remained one of the most popular fighting game franchises in the industry. During that length of time, there have been numerous releases, with four main installments. While its style and high skill cap nature have been consistent over the years, one thing has always evolved dynamically: its character roster.

Speaking just about Street Fighter IV alone, there has been a significant infusion of characters during the past few years. Starting with 26 characters, it has added an additional 20 since its inception to create more options for players, and more dynamic competitive play. You might be able to master a character or two, but never all 46.

Related: Ultra Street Fighter IV Review

Capcom have put together an interactive infographic which shows the evolution of Street Fighter IV‘s roster.  You can see the interactive infographic here.

Ultra Street Fighter IV is the series’ latest release. It includes all 46 characters, including the newly introduced Decapre, Elena, Hugo Andore, Poison, and Rolento F. Schuger, as well as tons of stages, costumes, and more at a reduced price.