Starbucks Drake Hands: Watch This Guy’s (Bad) Attempt at Seducing a Model

Brody Ryan was just a handsome bloke working in Starbucks, doing things handsome blokes who work in Starbucks do like pouring coffee whilst looking really photogenic. But then along came LA model Piper Kennedy, who gave him her phone number after he requested it whilst pouring said coffee, handsomely. Later that day she received a video from Brody featuring him coyly wiping his face to Drake’s ‘Hold On We’re Going Home’. The video found its way onto Instagram, and Brody has now become known as ‘Starbucks Drake Hands’ a viral sensation for all the wrong reasons. Watch the excruciating video below.

Of course, what would a viral video be without its parodies? ‘Starbucks Drake Hands’ has now been parodied by the likes of Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul, Larry King and a dog. Watch the funniest ones below, and thank god that you aren’t Brody Ryan.

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