Virginia Teacher Busted Having Sex With Teen Because That’s The Norm Now It Seems

Photo: Wikipedia

I know there are plenty of fantastic teachers out there that break their back in order to teach a bunch of annoying kids something they can use in their life. But then there are a batch of teachers that give the rest of the teachers a bad name. I’m talking about teachers who refuse to stop hooking up with their students. There was the Connecticut teacher who had sex with a student and then threaten him with the mafia, and there was also the Virginia teacher who seduced a student online and then had sex with him. Well, you can add another teacher to the list, and she’s also from Virginia.

A 25-year-old Spotswood High School teacher named Alisha Largent was busted and arrested for allegedly having sex with a 17-year-old male student, as this incident was only discovered after an anonymous tip was handed over to the school district.

Virginia Teacher Busted Having Sex With Teen Because That’s The Norm Now It Seems

It was only Largent’s first year teaching at the school, and she clearly didn’t waste much time. Largent taught introduction to foods and child development classes, although it’s obvious that teaching was the least she did, as she was more interested in some teen.

Largent of course has been charged with felony indecent liberties with a minor while in a supervisory role.

I don’t think she will be teaching again if you ask me. And that’s just a wild guess.

h/t COED

Take a look at this teacher: Watch This Teacher In Spain Destroy A Laptop After A Student Disrespects Him