Modesto Couple Arrested For Having Sex On Intersection Island In Broad Daylight

Everybody dreams of taking a vacation to an exotic island with their significant other, throwing back a few margaritas and hopefully finishing off the night with an out-of-this-world sexual encounter.

Well, that’s pretty much what happened last Sunday afternoon except that instead of an exotic island, a couple of lovers decided to fornicate in broad daylight on a grassy intersection island in the craphole of Modesto.

According to KFOR, 29-year-old Raymond Chavez was arrested after a police officer witnessed him taking 48-year-old Maria Anzaldua to pound town at the busy intersection of 19th Street, H Street and La Loma Avenue.

The arresting police officer said he had to turn around and come back to the island to tell them to knock it off. Chavez was booked on charges of lewd acts and violating his probation while Anzaldua was also slapped with a charge for lewd acts as well as one for public drunkenness.

That means the craziest part of the story might be that Chavez somehow found a way to do this while he was the sober one.

Odds are the crime scene smelled terrible: Couple Arrested For Engaging In ‘Sex Acts’ On Church Lawn