A Picture Of Kate Upton Working Out Just Got Photoshopped The Hell Out Of

Photo: Instagram/ Kate Upton

Kate Upton doing anything is nice, that much we can all agree on, but when a picture of Kate Upton working out while her trainer plays the part of us all by completely getting lost in her ass, it’s extremely hard not to have a bit of fun with it. And that is exactly what the Internet did by Photoshopping the hell out of this photo, with absolutely no regrets at all.

Here’s the original picture in all it’s glory.

A Picture Of Kate Upton Working Out Just Got Photoshopped The Hell Out Of

Well, you can’t blame her trainer for having that look on his face. I’m sure he has that look on his fae wuite often while helping Upton train. Anyway, here’s the Internet showing no mercy thanks to Reddit.

Well, I think that turkey is a signal that we pretty much wrap this all up. Thanks for this, Kate. Hopefully there are more photos of you in the future that the internet can photoshop. Actually, just more photos of you will be fine with us.

Via Reddit

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