Sunnyboys Have Been Discontinued And It’s All Our Fault

In a move that our primary school-aged selves could never have seen coming, The Daily Drinks Company has announced it has officially discontinued the production of Sunnyboy iceblocks.

The icy treat; which was first created in the 70s and became a staple of the summer school canteen lunch for decades – has apparently been removed from The Daily Drinks Co’s range because of a lack of demand. That’s right, we could have stopped this, we could’ve prevented this!

“The Daily Juice Co can confirm that we have regrettably had to make the hard decision to stop production of the icy treat, Sunnyboy, as of August 2016,” a spokesperson for the company said. “Unfortunately, Sunnyboy has experienced a sustained reduction in consumer demand over a long period of time, making it necessary to delete the product from our range of water ice treats.”

So that means no more refreshing Sunnyboy stickyness (in frozen or liquid form) for you, or for your kids.

Understandably, the public of Australia took to twitter to mourn their childhood treats, now lost forever, and some haven’t given up hope yet; creating a Save Sunnyboy Ice Blocks Facebook group.

All is not lost, though, with the Daily Drinks Company confirming that the production of everyone’s other favorite childhood ice block Zooper Doopers will continue for the foreseeable future.