U.S. Politician Leaves Porn Tabs Open In Facebook Post

If you’re going to post a screenshot of something on your computer in order to make your point, you should probably make sure that you close down those porn tabs, as well. You know, manners.

Mike Webb isn’t just a guy at a Kinko’s whose job is to ignore all of your questions, he’s the guy who is running for Congress as an independent in the eighth district of Virginia. And instead of trying to show everyone he’s just like you by pretending to like beer like Hillary Clinton has done, he just showed everyone he watches porn. Lots of it.

Webb posted a screenshot of phone records and a Yahoo search. No big deal. Webb was calling out Curzon Staffing Agency in Virginia. Again, no big deal. It only became a big deal when he forgot to close out his interests. Check out the screenshot below:

You need a closer look:

Good guy Webb likes Layla Rivera’s tight body, as well as amateur porn by Ivone.

It gets better. Webb explained the mishap as “empirical inquiry.”

Webb also added this hilarious explanation: “Curious by nature, I wanted to test the suggestion that somehow, lurking out in the pornographic world there is some evil operator waiting for the one in a gazillion chance that a candidate for federal office would go to that particular website and thereby be infected with a virus….”

Mike, you like porn. It’s OK. By day you can promise stuff you will never get done, and by night you can see all the Layla Rivera you want. God bless America.

h/t NY Daily News

You’re in good company, Mike: People Caught Looking At Porn On Their Phones In Public