Anonymous Has Iggy Azalea’s Sex Tape

Iggy Azalea is a blonde white girl from Australia who made it big by asking black producers to make her sound like a black girl from Atlanta. And since blonde white girls who want to appropriate culture have to fuck for tracks, it really wasn’t a big surprise when we all found that she had a sex tape with a black producer. She claims she was 17 when it was filmed, but now Anonymous has it and is threatening to release stills if she doesn’t publicly apologize to Azealia Banks and the protesters of the #blacklivesmatter movement. She should probably get on that.


We apologize for our followers with regards to this following statement: Fuck you, @IGGYAZALEA. #ICantBreathe

— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014

Trashy bitch.

— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014



We have so much shit on you, your scandal would be bigger than Bill Cosby’s.

— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014



MESSAGE: @IGGYAZALEA, you have exactly 48 hours from now to release a statement apologizing to @AzealiaBanks and the protesters in NYC…

— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014



You are guilty of misappropriating black culture, insulting peaceful protesters, and making light of Eric Garner’s death. @IGGYAZALEA

— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014



There’s an X rated tape of you, we bet you’d certainly don’t want public, are we right? @IGGYAZALEA….and this is nothing. Comply or else.

— TheAnonMessage (@TheAnonMessage) December 20, 2014