Iggy Azalea Has A Sex Tape


So fancy.

Iggy Azalea‘s legal team now says it may indeed be her in that sex tape … but there’s also a chance she was under 18 when it was shot. It’s a big change from what her people told TMZ just 2 days ago … that NO Iggy sex tape exists. Now it sounds like it does … but with legal peril. We broke the story … a video purportedly showing Azalea and an ex-boyfriend is being shopped to porn giant, Vivid Entertainment.  But then Iggy’s lawyers now tell us … any sex video would be the work of a “spurned business suitor” — aka the ex-BF — who’s just trying to damage her image and career out of revenge. They also told us any footage was possibly shot “without her knowledge or consent” … kind of a weird statement — either it was or it wasn’t. The lawyers also say it’s possible it was shot when she was a minor. So, let’s review Iggy’s sex tape position: It’s NOT me … it MIGHT be me … IF it’s me, an evil ex-business partner is out to get me … and I might be jail bait … so, I dare you to release it.

As TMZ points out, Iggy is following the Kubler-Kardashian Model in dealing with the emotional stages when faced with the pending release of a sex tape. 1.) It’s a fake. 2.) Ok, it’s probably not a fake. 3.) Lawyers. 4.) This tape was made without my knowledge 5.)  Vivid Entertainment makes an offer 6.) I may or may have not been underage 6.) Vivid Entertainment makes an even bigger offer 7.) Sex tape is available for download. This concludes your lesson for today.