Demi Moore Wants A Divorce

After Ashton cheated on their anniversary (and got photographed doing it), Demi Moore is finally seeing a lawyer. Radar says:

Demi Moore has decided to end her marriage to Ashton Kutcher and consulted a divorce attorney Friday, Britain’s Mail on Sunday is reporting. “Miss Moore has been totally humiliated. On Friday, therefore, she consulted a lawyer about getting a divorce,” an insider told the newspaper. Star magazine broke the story of Two and a Half Men star Ashton and Demi’s six-year marriage being over after allegations were made that he’d cheated on her with Sara Leal, a 23-year-old party girl he met in San Diego. As has been reporting, Kutcher and Moore have a fortune estimated at $290 million that stands to be split in a divorce.

Demi Moore should probably be humiliated more for her lack of relevance than for anything else. She’s spent the past six years being famous for banging Kelso, tweeting about banging Kelso, having one bit part in one hit movie, and for having a daughter that looks like a supporting character in Toy Story. Demi is learning now what most women realize a lot sooner: Men are like wine and cheese and get better with age. Women, appropriately enough, are like milk and eggs. We expire.