January Jones Left The Birth Certificate Blank

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Since ruining a marriage and having a baby out of spite is something you can’t just reveal until you’re tell-all book (diapers and a lifetime of therapy cost money, you know), January Jones left her child’s father’s name off its birth certificate. TMZ reports:

The January Jones baby daddy mystery continues … because the actress left a big, fat BLANK SPOT on her son’s birth certificate in the space where she’s supposed to name the father. TMZ obtained the document, filed Friday with the L.A. County Dept. of Public Health, which shows January’s son, Xander Dane Jones, was born on Sept. 13, 2011. Several famous studs have been rumored to be the father — including “SNL” star Jason Sudeikis, super chef Bobby Flay, “X-Men” director Matthew Vaughn … and “Seeking Justice” co-star Xander Berkeley. So far, mom continues to remain mum.

Either somebody can’t afford or doesn’t want to Maury this bitch yet. I guess January Jones is happy to let us speculate on who she fucked while his wife was in spin class. Fine. If I had to guess, I’m gonna say the father is Tom Hanks or Matt Damon. Just by the way they live their lives you can tell they would do something like that.