All The Lohans Are Sexual Deviants

Michael Lohan is a douchebag who will never be mistaken for an actual father, but now he’s just fuckin creepy.

Lindsay Lohan’s father has been accused of hunting out strippers who look like his famous daughter. Despite Michael Lohan’s denials, Elliot Osher, a former owner of New York’s most famous strip club Scores, insists the troubled dad made the bizarre request when he visited. The weird request, which Osher did not give a date for, is part of a book he plans to write about many of the celeb visitors to the sexy hot spot. “Lindsay Lohan’s father once sat down and described the kind of dancer he was looking for,” Osher insisted. “We sent some girls over. Funny, they all seemed to look like Lindsay. “We ended up having to show him to the door.” Michael Lohan admits getting into an “altercation” at Scores, but insisted: “No girls danced for me. “The last thing I’d want to see is a girl who looked like Lindsay. I don’t even look at the magazines where she’s done some risque photos.” But Osher insisted: “Maybe he just doesn’t remember.

Really? Strippers who looks like Lindsay Lohan? Why would you even waste money on this? Just break into a college medical school lab and reanimate some sorority chicks that have been dead for a few months. I mean, the smell might be the same, but at least you won’t have to use an innertube as a condom.

Note: Megan Fox has nothing to do with this story, but she has a great deal to do with being sexy.