Simpson Unemployment Rate At 75%

Ashlee Simpson was excited when she landed the role of Violet Foster on Melrose Place. The producers were so excited they just fired her yesterday along with costar Colin Egglesfwhateverthefuck. People reports:

The decision to cut the two actors has been “the original plan going into the development of the show,” executive producer Todd Slavkin tells EW. “We felt that once the murder mystery [involving their characters] was resolved, the tone of the show was going to shift … and [Simpson-Wentz’s] character would move on.” In a statement released after the announcement, Simpson-Wentz said, “Having the chance to play Violet on Melrose Place has been a thrill. Although I always knew her story would come to a final, insanely unpredictable end, playing a creepy, unstable character was something I always wanted to do, so I jumped at the chance. Thanks to the CW and the entire cast and crew of Melrose Place for allowing me this opportunity.”

If anybody is to blame for this it’s Obama. I mean, what happened to the millions of jobs he was gonna create?! When rich, untalented white people can’t get work standing on an X and saying words other people wrote, what’s gonna happen to our society?!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

Ashlee celebrating her 25th birthday at Wet Republic: