Presidential Brunch With Bacon And Links

Barack Obama doesn’t fear terrorism, but he does fear filling up on Johnny Cakes before the peach cobbler is served.

Rip Torn knows the ground isn’t level, and here I thought it was just me this whole time. [DListed]

This horrible album cover better be the last we ever hear of Sanjaya, or I’m calling immigration like the bigot I’ve always feared I am. [Seriously?OMG!WTF?]

Kristin Cavallari‘s 80s costume must have come with authentic 80s cocaine. [Hollywood Tuna]

What George Clooney would look like if we lost all respect for him [CityRag]

PETA begs Bristol Palin to give peas a chance. Meanwhile, I just killed a koala by choking it with my fist. [Celebitchy]

Pink would give Carey Hart away if he married again. Good news, because it’s not like he’ll fetch top dollar. [I’m Not Obsessed]

Don’t you just want to shove something in Reese Witherspoon‘s mouth when she opens it like that? [Just Jared]


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