Pete Wentz is All Man

Can’t we just all agree that Pete Wentz is gay? We can? Ok, thanks. Page Six reports:

Pete Wentz kissed a boy – and he liked it. The eye-lined rocker, who’s expecting his first child with wife Ashlee Simpson, told Out magazine: “When I said that I make out with dudes, there was a slight sense of sexual rebellion in that. I probably even made it a bigger deal than it was.” Wentz also said he’s apprehensive about borrowing from gay culture: “If I was gay and I saw people playing with it, being ambiguous, I don’t really know how I would feel…”

Sorry you pretentious jackass, but wearing eyeliner and kissing dudes doesn’t make you some kind of sexual revolutionary, knocking down the long established beliefs of what’s sexually acceptable. It just makes you look hot for cock. There’s no way Ashlee Simpson can be pregnant with your baby. You know, because it’s pretty obvious that the only way you’d go in a vagina is if Jigsaw Killer had hid a key there.


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