Britney Spears is Still Disgusting

Britney Spears, the genius who’s managing her own career now, showed up for a photo shoot she arranged for herself to promote her big (no pun intended) comeback acting like her normal, totally delusional, probably insane self. The shoot was an “exclusive” for self-described “celeb friendly” OK! Magazine, so we’ll probably never see any of the photos. TMZ reports:

According to multiple sources, Britney’s behavior during the interview was “nothing less than a meltdown.” She was, according to our sources, “completely out of it” during the shoot. The photos are “so bad” we’ve learned, that to publish them could “kill her career.” Apparently, Brit Brit’s eyes rolled back in her head at one point, causing her to look half dead. Her mood, we’re told, was extremely erratic. She took frequent bathroom breaks our source says, and each time she returned her mood would change. She was also completely paranoid during the entire interview, fearing at one point the ceiling was about to cave in on her. Out of control y’all!

We’ve also learned that Brit had some issues with hygiene on the set as well. At one point, Britney ordered up some fried chicken to munch on. We’re told after she chowed down, she wiped her hands on a several thousand dollar Gucci dress that she was wearing for the shoot, staining it with grease. Yuck! One of her dogs also needed some assistance in the housebreaking department. Our on-set spy says that the dog pooped all over the floor, and Brit used (what else?) — a Chanel dress to clean it up! How trashtastic! As for how Brit looked for the photos, another nightmare. We’ve learned that OK! hired two of the best hair and makeup artists in L.A. to transform the once-bald beauty into something more presentable, but she wasn’t havin’ none of that. She refused to let the hired help touch her, opting instead for her “skanky friends” to do her hair and makeup. No wonder she always looks so fantastic!

And if you’re wondering where her mom/publicist/lawyer/friend/ANYONE was to help her out, we’re told that even her cousin Alli (who until recently was working as her personal assistant) couldn’t deal, and is “done” with Miss Spears.”

In the history of really mentally fucked up and drugged up celebrities, Britney Spears takes the Crisco covered cake. Joan Crawford has nothing on Britney. Joan could rise from the grave, call the paparazzi to be there for the photo-op while she beats the shit out of her kids again, and it still won’t be as crazy and offensive as anything Britney Spears does every day. I mean, I’m not trying to throw a dare out there, or call Joan Crawford a coward or anything, I’m just saying … it would be nice if another abusive mother could take the wheel for a while. *cough* pussy *cough*

Britney and her armpit hair probably smelling like they look this weekend: