Channing Tatum Shared A Naked Pic Of His Wife And People Got Annoyed For Some Reason

Photo: Jerritt Clark (Getty)

Let me first start by saying that the picture is still on his Instagram. So if Channing Tatum’s wife, Jenna Dewan- Tanning truly had a problem it would have been deleted a long time ago. So clearly she has no issues with it. And neither should any of you. Now let’s talk about how this hoopla all started.

You may recall a few days ago when Usher posted a completely nude photo of his wife, only to quickly deleted. And thanks to the internet it will live on forever. So Channing decided to do the same thing, this time it isn’t a pic of his wife bending over like Usher’s wife was, but just a pic of Jenna sleeping while naked. Would it be creepy if I was behind the camera? Sure, but this is his wife, so who cares.

Let’s check out the photo that has some people upset thanks to Channing’s Instagram:

Channing Tatum Shared A Naked Pic Of His Wife And People Got Annoyed For Some Reason

Seems classy to me. Plus it makes me envy Channing even more.

Although some folks weren’t a fan of this photo:

These folks are nuts. So let’s wash the bas taste of those comments out of our mouth by checking out more of Jenna thanks to her Instagram.

Nice going, Tatums.

h/t The Hook Man

Well, then there is this: 20 Of The Dumbest Things Girlfriends Have Gotten Upset About