Young Woman Posts Seemingly Innocent Photo To Facebook But Now She’s The Butt Of All Jokes

Photo: Getty Images

What started off as just a college girl posting a picture with her friend has now gone viral because the two women didn’t realize what was in the background of the photo.

Have a look at the photo below!

Photo: Facebook

If you didn’t spot it, here’s a hint: it’s in the top right above their heads and it is used for double the fun. The picture was reportedly uploaded with neither girl noticing what looks like a dual-use sex toy in the background. Both ends of the sex toy are hands making different gestures.

Of course it has blown up on the internet, and whether the women knew the sex toy was in the photo or not, they are getting attention regardless, and a lot of jokes are being thrown their way.

“Don’t worry, they are in good hands,” commenter IbIIbI states. Commenter PyroJohn added, “Stretch Armstrong got weird in the later years.”

Hey, good stuff: Students At Several Canadian Universities Received The Wonderful Gift Of Sex Toys

And commenter Megabytemewashere is superstitious, stating, “I believe traditionally it is bad luck for it to be turned downwards. Will bring happiness to the owner in a fully upright position.”

Well, they are two attractive women and seem to be very close friends. Nothing wrong with that at all.


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