Fallout 4 PC Mods Can Be Transferred and Played on Xbox One for Free

PC mods for Fallout 4 can be downloaded and transferred to the Xbox One version of the game, it was announced at Microsoft’s E3 2015 press conference today.

The announcement was made during a further look at the upcoming game that took place during the Microsoft event, with Fallout 4 developers Bethesda making use of the upcoming Windows 10 operating system in order for mods to be carried between desktop and console, with this feature being of no extra cost to the gamer.

Fallout 4‘s appearance during the Microsoft conference highlighted how the company is courting Bethesda as promoting Fallout 4 as an Xbox-first game, similar to how Sony handled the marketing of Destiny.

We can’t wait to see what modders will do with the game given their previous history with Fallout 3, and now console gamers will get to experience their creations, too.