Exclusive Preview: Justice League Beyond 2.0 Chapter # 17: Wonder Woman Returns!

In the Bruce Timm/Paul Dini animated series “Batman Beyond,” the absence of Wonder Woman was a mystery that went unexplained… until now.
DC’s digital first titles, Batman Beyond 2.0 and Justice League Beyond 2.0 are currently running a crossover entitled “Justice Lords Beyond.” And in last week’s installment, Wonder Woman made her triumphant return.
But in this exclusive preview from this week’s Justice League Beyond 2.0 Chapter # 17 by Christos Gage and Dexter Soy, we see that Superman isn’t exactly overjoyed to have Diana back in his life. And as the cover hints, Wonder Woman’s missing years had something to do with the Justice Lords; a corrupted version of the League from an alternate world. 
The fate of the Justice Lords was never revealed in the “Justice League” animated series. However, fans will get some answers when the new issue of Justice League Beyond 2.0 hits Saturday on ComiXology, iBookstore, Nook Store, Kindle Store and it is also available through DC Entertainment itself. .