Continuum Season 3 Debuts March 16th

The critically-acclaimed original Showcase drama “Continuum” is getting ready for another action-packed season – season 3 begins on March 16th.

The series follows Kiera Cameron (played by Rachel Nichols, “Criminal Minds,” “Alias”), a policewoman from 2077 who finds herself trapped in present-day Vancouver. In season three of “Continuum,” Kiera faces the immediate consequences of Alec Sadler’s (played by Erik Knudsen, “Jericho,” “Scream 4”) shocking betrayal. Captured in the season two finale by the Freelancers, a group fulfilling their self-assigned task of collecting and incarcerating time travelers in order to protect history’s timeline, Kiera must forge new alliances to escape, while also contending with a newly strategic Liber8 organization and a growing darkness in her police partner Carlos Fonnegra (Victor Webster, “Castle,” “Melrose Place”). Ultimately, Kiera is faced with heart-wrenching decisions as she discovers that the world she came from is not as it seemed.

New to the cast this season is Rachael Crawford (“Alphas,” “The Firm”) who joins as a guest star in a multiple episode arc. Returning cast include Stephen Lobo (“Smallville,” “Little Mosque On The Prairie”), Lexa Doig (“V,” “Stargate SG-I”), Omari Newton (“Blue Mountain State,” “Sophie”), Luvia Petersen (“The L Word”), and Terry Chen (“Bates Motel,” “Combat Hospital”).

Photo: Showcase/Continuum


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