Tech Squibs: V-MODA Crossfade M-100 Over-Ear Headphones

SQUIB: a : a short humorous or satiric writing or speech; b : a short news item. (Merriam-Webster)

This Tech Squib show how many people it takes to blow up my ears.

The V-MODA M-100 headphones are a stable of that manufacturer’s audio accessory line. Well made, comfortable and powerful, they’re spot on for both professional and personal use.

V-MODA prides themselves on a big team effort, bringing in more than 200 sound and music experts to tune the M-100’s 50 mm Dual Diaphragm Drivers. That all sounds dirty, but it’s not. 

Featuring the transforming, hinged design you see above for easy transport, the M-100s come with a detachable audio cable. These all-encompassing, sound purifying headphones don’t come cheap at about $300 a pair, but there’s a reason why they’re a staple in the mid-range market. They’re rock solid – no pun intended.