Old memes are the best memes

Best Old Memes To Remind Us of Kinder, More Civilized Times

Old memes from Inception
Yes, even Inception memes are considered as old now, they’ve been around for eight years now, which is like… 20 eternities in limbo dream years or something. No movie birthed more awesome memes than the 2010 mindfuck that is Inception.
Old memes are back
Even the Game of Thrones old memes were tame and civil. Now it’s all about aunt incest and burning small children on stakes. These expression faces were all known as RAGE faces as the FUUU one was amongst the first, and they were like more complex, shittier versions of emojis.
Most popular old memes
Macro image memes were the shit back then and none matches the demography of Mandatory than the Foul Bachelor Frog. Depicting all the vile, disgusting behaviors that were our every day back then. And, who are we kidding – still are.
Early memes
Memes were more personal back then, old memes were personal stories made in paint by a fellow functioning sociopath. They were personal confessions. Now, they are mostly products of viral trends or commercials. We’ve turned into those “back in my day” people… but these kids today don’t know the struggle of making your meme in Paint for two hours.
Pedobear only likes old memes
Meme culture is getting too old for Pedobear, but he will never be too old for us. Never change Pedobear.

Which old memes were your favorites? Which of them would you like to have a surge of popularity again? Be the change you want to see in the world and share this article.


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