Woman Reveals She Was ‘Prescribed Orgasms’ To Treat Her Bipolar Disorder

Photo: bernjuer (Getty)

I’m going to assume this is her favorite doctor.

An Australian woman named Penny Sullivan, revealed that after struggling with mental health for decades she went to see her GP. Her GP diagnosed her with bipolar 2 disorder — which is a bummer. But not to worry because her doc had quite the treatment.

According to Sullivan, she was given all the “standard advice,” but she was then told to have “as much sex as she could handle.” Wait, this is the beginning of a porn clip, right? Sullivan says she followed the doctor’s advice and has found that her moods have stabilized after having more and more sex with her husband. Doc was right.

“Simply touching, cuddling or just fooling around and being connected can be just as great to get those feel goods,” Sullivan said, adding that it doesn’t always have to be intercourse for her to feel better.

But now it’s time to find out why Sullivan’s mental health has improved after lots of sex. Here’s what Isiah McKimmie, a sexologist, reveals:

“Sex elevates our mood through the release of hormones and endorphins it causes in our brain. It increases oxytocin (a love and bonding hormone,) serotonin (a happiness hormone) and dopamine levels. These help us experience feelings of love, connection and happiness. Additionally, semen contains mild anti-depressant compounds. Women who have unprotected sex with their partners have been shown to have elevated moods compared to women who always or mostly use condoms.”

I think we need to be mindful that sex doesn’t get relied on too strongly for us feeling good. It’s important that we develop other ways of coping with our emotions and feeling good also.

Mental health issues can have a negative impact on our sex lives, so we may need to ‘work harder’ to feel in the mood. Certain medications may also lower feelings of desire and the ability to reach orgasm, so talk to your doctor or a sex therapist if you’re experiencing these symptoms.”

So there you have it, folks. Just have loads of sex and you will feel better.

h/t The LADbible

And speaking of orgasms: English Woman’s Rare Condition Makes Her Fall Asleep Every Time She Orgasms