Today’s Funny Photos 8-23-17

How do you introduce a funny photo without giving away too much about it? Well, I have absolutely no idea, so prepare for some senseless rambling instead (it’s kind of my go-to thing). Actually, you know what? Not today. Enjoy the funnies and me shutting my big fat figurative trap (figurative since I’m technically typing, I mean). What’s the sense of going on and on in circles and making you waste your precious time reading it? I know everyone does, so that would be like a slap in your collective faces. I’m better than that. You’re better than that. So let’s just not go through the whole song and dance and get right down to brass tacks, shall we?

Aww, dammit, I did it anyways!

Well, at least I can keep this part short and sweet by simply asking you to follow Mandatory on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Sheesh, even that was two lines? I’m such a failure. My boss at my night dishwashing job was right.

Today’s Funny Photos 8-23-17

Then again: Video Shows Surfers Swimming To Safety As Shark Attacks Seal Near The Shore

We were wondering if this would ever be timely and/or relevant again. And with the recent solar eclipse, it’s both. Hooray! Idiots With Backwards Hats On Trying To Block The Sun

You know what, you can go ahead and drop us off here. We can walk the rest of the way to yesterday’s funny photos.