This Guy Is Complaining That He Can’t Get A Job But His Huge Face Tattoo Might Have Something To Do With It

Photo: Facebook/Mark Cropp

Yeah, should have probably thought things through first.

As someone who has tattoos, I can understand that sometimes people will treat you differently or look at you differently. I can also understand that if you get a massive face tattoo you might have a tad trouble getting a job. And that’s exactly the situation with Mark Cropp.

The 19-year-old from New Zealand has just finished his two-year-sentence for armed robbery, and of course needs a job now that he’s a free man. There’s only one problem: the huge tattoo reading ‘DEVAST8’ that covers his face.

Photo: Facebook/Mark Cropp

It’s tough for anyone to get a job, but this “bright” dude has made it tougher on himself so of course he’s struggled to land a job — so much so that he took it to Facebook to try and reel in a job to help provide for his daughter and family.

Photo: Facebook/Mark Cropp

Now I can barely figured out most of what in the hell Cropp says in his Facebook post, but all in all he’s looking for a job, he can paint and decorate, and he can barely spell.

Photo: Facebook/Mark Cropp

Here’s what Cropp told NZ Herald about his struggle to get a job.

“One employment place said to me: ‘I wouldn’t employ you with that on you face, I wouldn’t even take a second look at you.’ I’ve had other people that just shrugged and laughed at me. I was over people judging for my facial tattoo… that’s why I made the decision to put that photo on Facebook, to turn around and say “I am just a normal human being, you do not have to judge me because of the way I look.'”

But why in the hell did Cropp get a face tattoo? Well it’s quite the story.

Via Daily Mail

In a bizarre twist, he landed in the same cell as his brother, who persuaded him to get the ink to stop other inmates giving him trouble. The tattoo was meant to be a ‘little one along the jawline,’ but the pair got carried away after drinking home brew made from fermented apples, sugar and bread.

According to Cropp, ‘DEVAST8’ is just a nickname.

Plenty of folks have chimed in on social media offering Cropp job suggestions, but no word yet if he’s employed. My suggestion? Learn how to tattoo and become a tattoo artist.

Now give this a look: 30 Terrible Face Tattoos That Guarantee A Life Of Unemployment