This Gal Is Reeling In Dudes Simply By Using Dwight Schrute’s Beet Farm Quotes

Photo: NBC

The gal in this article may end up on the list of most right-swiped Tinder users soon, because while this dude was using lyrics from Eminem’s “Stan” to get gals, the girl below was using quotes from the best beet farmer known to man, Dwight Schrute from The Office.

Check out how Caroline got this dude completely interested in her “work,” and maybe you can try it next time you find yourself swiping on the awesome cesspool that Tinder is.

This Gal Is Reeling In Dudes Simply By Using Dwight Schrute’s Beet Farm Quotes



Although, let’s be completely honest. This dude Nate was just eager to get some action, so of course he was going to pretend like he was absolutely interested in whatever the hell Caroline was into, and that just happened to be beets. And the hell likes beets? Some people apparently, but they aren’t exactly a sexy food. Well, unless Nate was really into all this, then yes, Nate thinks beets are a sexy food.

And now let’s pay a visit to that farm.

h/t The Chive

The Office is in this list, too: The Best TV Boss Quotes You’ll Find On The Planet