Today’s Funny Photos 1-12-17

Well what can we say about today? The world is falling apart, some deranged lunatic will soon be in charge of us, and we’re nervously waiting for 2017 to drop the hammer on us and say “Hey, I’m going to be a hell of a lot worse than 2016.” So what do we do? Well, for now we just need to keep trucking, and keep on living. Because that’s honestly all we can do at the moment. Well, we can also laugh, because that always helps. And we have always been here to help you do that. How you ask? You already know how we do it: Funny Photos. Yes, that’s the stuff right there. So enjoy another fresh batch of gut-busting hilarity here, folks.

And don’t forget to follow more of Mandatory on Twitter and on Instagram.




If you’re going to smell good you may as well look good, too: The 10 Craziest Barbers In The World




Still comfortable? Great! Keep the laughs going on Page 2!


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