Today’s Funny Photos 12-20-16

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, isn’t it? By that, I simply mean the date itself is starting to look like Christmas. We are officially in the 20s of December 2016. What, you didn’t think that I actually know where each and every one of the Mandatory readers lives and their exact locations, did you? How the hell am I supposed to know if it’s starting to look very Christmas-esque wherever you currently reside? I leave that creepy stalker stuff to Santa Claus.

Speaking of old Saint Nick, though, how bad does is suck that both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day fall on the weekend this year? And not only that, but so does New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. It’s as if Jesus and Santa teamed up just to kick us in the crotch two solid weeks in a row. What’s that all about? I’ll bet money. If it’s Christmas-related, it’s always about money.

There I go losing my train of thought again as I’m forced to every day writing these super long-winded intro. Anyways, on the plus side, we’ve got some funny photos to share with you. That’s got to count for something, right? And just to show that we’re trying to stay positive about the whole holiday season giving us the royal screw job sitch, we won’t even feature a single picture of anything holiday or especially Christmas-related. Consider that an early gift to you.

Today’s Funny Photos 12-20-16





That’s cold. But not as cold as the hearts of The 10 Smartest Scammers in the World.




Don’t be a fool! Check out the funniest tweets of the week before they’re last week’s news.





Yesterday’s funny photos are tomorrow’s college graduates. Or…something like that.